Bonjour, je suis Marina Pano, et je peux vous aider à atteindre votre plein potentiel.

Potentials Future Goals

Life is About Evolving

When clients tell me they feel discouraged, overwhelmed or stuck, I can relate. The setbacks I have experienced in my own life are all part of my journey of
continuous learning.

For those who are curious to learn more about how my approach came to be, here’s a glimpse into my journey so far…

My passion for health and wellness has its roots in teenage body image issues. Growing up in Venezuela, I knew just two food groups – fried, and sugary. When I was 15, my family was forced to immigrate to Canada. The move was difficult for me, and I found comfort in junk food, becoming so unhealthy that I no longer recognized myself in the mirror. At age 20, during a fleeting moment of strength, I made the decision to take charge of my physical well-being. I took up dance as a form of exercise and meditation, changed my diet dramatically, and even embarked on a degree in Exercise Science.

In my early twenties, I was devastated by an emotional trauma, and then diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and a thyroid tumor. My weight plummeted to 80 pounds, and I lost half my hair. Doctors recommended hormone treatment, and radiation that would have totally destroyed my thyroid– but I was hesitant, and wanted to learn more before proceeding. I sought additional medical opinions, did plenty of my own research, learned all I could about the healing properties of food, and finally, found a surgeon who removed only a portion of my thyroid. Feeling empowered, I made another profound change: acknowledging that I had been stuck in a victim mindset. I resolved to consciously choose a thriving mindset instead.

That thriving mindset was challenged in 1999, just as I was beginning my career in sports and injury rehabilitation. I was in a serious car accident, sustaining injuries to my cervical spine and shoulder, as well as three massive disc herniations. After a year of constant pain, bouts of anxiety and depression, and countless medical and therapeutic consultations, the light at the end of the tunnel seemed dim… but ultimately, once again, I got back into the driver’s seat of my body. I embarked on my most in-depth research yet, focusing on the emerging science of the mind-body connection. My learning dovetailed with the knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics I already used daily as an Osteopath.

From there, I felt compelled to pursue Life Coaching certification. This was a natural next step along my path, allowing me to use my soul gifts to share what I have learned with others. I feel honored to be able to do just that.

"Healing is movement" Disease is inertia. If you put the body in motion, you will change.